About Us

"SSP is a great one-step resource for company's equipment, materials, and chemical needs."
Fred Earl, Managing Director, MLSIC
"Single Source Procurement makes it easy for us to buy what we need at affordable prices. They take the headache out of purchasing"
Sandra Cochrane, Director WMed Innovation Center
"Aside from just obtaining supplies, SSP handles all returns and other issues so I don't have to."
David Paul, Chief Senior Executive Vice Chairman,
Commercial Corporate Strategy Assessment
How Single Source Procurement Started
Single Source Procurement was started by Founder, Robert Engster in 2003. After developing a team of highly qualified, knowledgeable, and experienced procurement specialists he was able to establish a large network of vendors. The combination of quality vendors and experienced staff lead to not only winning awards in the field but cultivating a successful business in aiding other businesses.
Robert retired in 2022. Taking over as owner and CEO is Kristen Williams. Kristen has worked with SSP as a procurement specialist since 2005 before taking over as CEO in 2022. Her knowledge and experience in the field firsthand gives SSP and the SSP staff an upper hand in handling the needs of their clients.
Since 2003 we have been developing relationships with thousands of different vendors in order to create reliable relationships with our clients. Allowing us to get the things you need, when you need it.
In business since 2003, Single Source Procurement is staffed with experienced and knowledgeable procurement specialists' that carry a reputation of going above and beyond for our clients.
We are the best at what we do, so you can be the best at what you do. Feel at ease knowing that the things you need to conduct business are in the hands of procurement specialists.